1st epoch of the prediction mining

Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2021


Greetings, Pros family! The 1st epoch of the prediction mining has ended a day ago, so now it’s time to announce the results and achievements of the event. First of all, we are extremely thankful for your engagement and involvement. We know that the launch wasn’t perfect, the prediction mining system was quite complex and hard to understand, there were some bugs and glitches caused by different reasons, but we are still here. We’ve temporarily suspended all the prediction pools on the platform to fix discovered bugs, glitches and prepare for the second stage of the prediction mining.

General results

Prosper launch stats

Total $PROS mined: 396,000
Total prediction volume: 97,122.66 BNB ($4,050,000)
Participants: 873
BSC transaction volume: 7,759
Prosper DAO fees: 1589,5 BNB ($60,000)

We have to admit that the prediction mining event was an unexpected success. We’ve received an overwhelming amount of requests and feedback from the community side, but here is one thing we can now tell you for sure: Prosper.so is now officially the fastest growing prediction markets platform! For example, Augur, the established prediction market for quite a while had a peak volume only in $3,454,531 during the US elections prediction event:

Augur peak volume

Next steps, prediction mining stage two and a few insides

When we initially released prediction mining, we’ve mentioned that there will be two stages. The first one is over, but if you’ve missed it, there is no reason to worry about it, as the second stage is already on the way. However, there are still some improvements we need to do before second stage launch:

  1. Token distribution and listing;
  2. Bug fixes;
  3. Oracle price feeds upgrade;
  4. UI improvements;
  5. Prosper DAO and Smart Treasury release;

And a few small insides as we promised: as far as you are aware, Prosper is a cross-chain platform. Prediction mining events will be hosted on a regular basis dedicated to the new chain integration. The rewards for those upcoming events will be paid out in the native chain currency. More information on that is coming soon.

$PROS token distribution and listing is already on its way. Make sure that you are following only legit social media channels:

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Short-term non-custodial prediction and hedging platform based on Binance Smart Chain. Start here: https://beta.prosper.so